You may have seen the 'Built With Amiga Software' Web page, that lists web pages created on the Amiga, provides 'Built With Amiga' logos for people to use, and contains information on Amiga Web software. Needless to say, this is an excellent idea. The Amiga has suffered too much on its users not stating that they use Amigas.
One of my friends is a Mac owner, and round his house, I saw a calender with wierd graphics for each month. On closer inspection, they were pictures created by Mac users using Photoshop, each month having a picture, and a description about how is was created, and what Mac setup was used, etc.
Naturally, this got me thinking 'How about a calender with Lightwave renders?' Or more generally, just a calender with some really good pictures produced by Amiga users?
We know that the talent exists - the 'gallery' sections on Amiga magazines and CoverCDs shows just what Amiga users are capable of. Just imagine a collection of the best twelve!
All it needs is for some company to produce it - maybe it could be done by AF or CU themselves, as some sort of special offer? I would gladly have such a calender hanging on my wall.
It's like, I'm pretty sure that the X-Files uses Amigas, but all you see watching it is Scully and Mulder using Macs and PCs.
Well, maybe there's such a list out there already (not being Netlinked, I can't look myself). If not, anyone willing and able to take up the challenge?